HypnoBirthing English groupcourse start 10th of February



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Artikelnummer: 469-1-2 Categorie:


HypnoBirthing English groupcourse: 5 lessons of 2,5 hour, included:

+ Intake by phone before the start of the course
+ The official English HypnoBirthing book
+ Original English HypnoBirthing mp3 met relaxation exercises
+ A reader with material and exercises, so you can practise at home
+ Possibility to ask questions en get guidance (by phone) before, during or after the delivery.

Course dates:

Saturday 10th of February 13.00-15.30 o’clock
Saturday 17th of February 13.00-15.30 o’clock
Saturday 24th of February 13.00-15.30 o’clock
Saturday 2nd of March 13.00-15.30 o’clock
Saturday 2nd of March 13.00-15.30 o’clock